Tuesday, June 10, 2008

OMG see this ( black/purple hands)

Guys, see this picture. i have made a parody of it. hahaha.

Black Hand


Hi 5

will give you...



Saturday, January 12, 2008

exodus-bob marley style

Evening everybody
i've seen many of m'friends , schoolmates and collegemates alike transferring and opening up blogs over the last few years. Reading the papers, it would seem like a trend to do so, but i've never thought much of it before.At one point in time, i did have blogs on xanga, friendster and even this site, but having seen how inconsistent i can be, i deleted my accounts in the end.
Well, i've suddenly decided to jump on the bandwagon, so if you're interested, do visit my personal blog at leehannmin.blogspot.com , which i've started just a while ago. Most of my enrtries will be through there, and only articles of note, if there are any will be through mark's portal


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